Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday Treasures

The trials of Tiffany Trott

I started reading this book while in the hospital and it turned out to be a humours destraction from my ailment. It's a bit like Bridget Jones' Diary (if you've ever read/seen it you'll know what I mean) and loaded with british humour. While it's not the most deep or provoking book, it's a good light read for the girly girl. Tiffany Trott is your typical London career woman, looking to settle down, and having very little luck at it. The author has a way of bringing all the characters to life to the point where I could recognize some of them in my own life. From her bad breathed dates, to her single friends who try to help, everyone seems alive as if they stepped out of the book and conversing with directly. It's a good book for a lazy sunday afternoon.

Red Embossed Heart Leather Journal - Lined

I have a red hardcover journal that I bought from a dollar store. It is different from this one, and I do love writing in it. But oh la la, look at how cute this journal is. It's so simple, and yet it looks as if it's calling out to someone to write some beautiful thoughts in it.

Lindt Gold Bunny Chocolates

The day after Easter, my mom bought this box of chocolates. I'm not chocolate fan, but the packaging of this box screams spring! It looks so vintage and sweet. I haven't seen a box of chocolate this cute in a long time. Even the flower, egg, and bunny shaped chocolate are adorable.

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